We are happy to offer you a small selection of high-resolution pictures of Gion Antoni Derungs and of both anniversary concerts in Bern and Zurich 2015. If you are using any pictures, please reference the Foundation Gion Antoni Derungs. If you need any other pictures, please let us know.
Person Gion Antoni Derungs
Portrait of Gion Antoni Derungs working in Chur. 2007 Download |
View of Gion Antoni Derungs' study in Chur. 2015 Download |
Section of the beloved home, the wintry Vella. 2015 Download |
Anniversary year gala concert Bern, June 2, 2015
Gala concert with the Südwestdeutschen Philharmonie Konstanz and the conductor Mario Schwarz. Download |
Gala concert with the Südwestdeutschen Philharmonie Konstanz and the conductor Mario Schwarz. |
Gala concert, music-scenic biography by Armin Brunner. Download |
Anniversary year gala concert Zurich, November 11, 2015
Gala concert Zurich with the Südwestdeutschen Philharmonie Konstanz and the conductor Mario Schwarz. Download |
Gala concert Zurich with the Südwestdeutschen Philharmonie Konstanz, Andrea Wiesli on the piano and the conductor Mario Schwarz. |
Various information material
We are happy to offer you reading material and visual aids about Gion Antoni Derungs and of both anniversary concerts in Bern and Zurich 2015. Please let us know if you need more information.
Evening program gala concert in Bern 2015, with valuable information about the performed pieces. Download |
Evening program gala concert in Zurich 2015, with valuable information about the performed pieces. Download |
Program music-scenic biography by Armin Brunner. Download |
Chorwerke a cappella - Band I |
Magazine in honours of Gion Antoni Derungs |
Address by Corina Casanova for the start of the anniversary year 2015 at the gala concert in Bern. |
Newsletter #I - 2016 Download |
Lebenslauf Gion Antoni Derungs - deutsch Download |
Chorwerke a cappella - Band II Lieder für gemischten ChorChanzuns per chor maschadà Leseprobe Bestellen |